If you want to read lengthy, drawn-out reviews of the movies in theaters now (or soon to be) then this isn't the blog you should be reading. Most of the posts from The Other Critic are short, sweet and to the point; that's how we roll here.

We also don't just focus on current movies. Let's face it, there are plenty of good movies that have been made, and sometimes viewers have a tendency to forget that there is more to life than movies in the theaters.

With all that said, please enjoy the short and concise, and sometimes opinionated reviews. If you don't like them, that's okay—we won't hold it against you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Somewhere Over the Rainbow: The Wizard of Oz

Well, my kids go to experience what some might call "an oldie, but a goodie" last night when we watched The Wizard of Oz. Is it me, or has that movie always been that full of singing? Man, it's was like every other sentence lead to a song. Not that it's a bad thing - my kids did seem to enjoy it, which was a good thing. I just remember it a little bit differently from when I was a kid. Still, it's always nice to see the bad guys get it in the end, even if it was only with a bucket of water.

The Other Critic Writes Again

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