Outsourced This is where the television sit-com got it's start. I was actually really excited, and ready to have a good laugh. Unfortunately, all I got were a few chuckles here and there and a whole lot of drama. I'll stick with the sit-com, until it gets canceled.
Over the Top I don't even know where to begin with this one. Sylvester Stalone in his younger years playing a arm wrestling trucker. This movie was lame. I wish I could get the time back that I wasted watching it.
Insomnia Ah, this is a classic macho-cop Al Pachino flick. While I like, and appreciate, Pachino's talent as an actor, I felt that Robin Williams' character in this film was awesome. I thought it was interesting that Williams was chosen to play the villain. Typical Pachino cop flick, but a good show.
I'll review a few more films in the next day or so.
Insomnia was directed by none other than Christopher Nolan. I think it was his follow-up to Memento.